Treasure hunts make great stories, so it’s no surprise they are all over popular culture. Since the first stories were created it has become a genre and there have been countless books, films, TV shows and video games about searching for treasure.
Treasure hunts are perfect vehicles to give a narrative mystery, intrigue, history and conflict. There are many lost treasures from legend that can provide inspiration for historical or other works of fiction.
Goodreads has a section that lists 764 treasure hunting books, the Internet Movie Database has 440 titles tagged with ‘Treasure Hunt’ and Wikipedia has a category for Treasure Hunt Films. Did you know the classic Treasure Island has been made into a film at least five times, in 1934, 1950, 1990, 1999 and 2012! Six times if you include Muppet Treasure Island (1996)!
There are many, many video games where a treasure hunt is included, however the most prominent games that revolve around the hunt are the Tomb Raider and Uncharted series. Both games became massive franchises.